Kaleb Getachew

Kaleb Getachew

BFS Interview Guide

May 2023

Breadth First Search


Breadth First Search (BFS) is an algorithm used to traverse trees and graph like data structures. It prioritizes reaching all nodes of the same level before diving deeper -- breadthwise traversal.

Put simply, proceed layer by layer, traversing left to right.

BFS relies on a queue / deque like data structure to store nodes. This queue / deque oprates on FIFO principle. Commonly, a BFS algorithm relies on a "visited" data structure to avoid repeated vists to nodes.

Simple Algorithm

  1. Start with the source node.
  2. Add that node at the front of the queue to the visited list.
  3. Make a list of the nodes as visited that are close to that vertex.
  4. And dequeue the nodes once they are visited.
  5. Repeat the actions until the queue is empty.


  • You can take any node as your source node or root node.
  • You should explore all the nodes.
  • And don't forget to explore on repeated nodes.
  • You must transverse the graph in a breadthwise direction, not depthwise.

Detailed Coding Steps

  1. Preprocessing

  2. Create queue / deque to store information

  • This needs to include the next layer of nodes as well as any information that needs to be relayed.
  1. Initialize set of "seen" / "visited" nodes
  • This may or may not include node + additional information
  1. Iterative portion
  • While the queue / deque is still populated, pop elements one by one and proceed
  1. Disassemble queue / deque information

  2. Check to see if condition was met on this specific node

  • This is where the iterative portion is able to exit and return an output
  1. Verify validity of the logic

  2. Make changes as necessary

  3. Append to queue / deque and add to "seen" / "visited" node and continue

  4. If by the time the iterative portion finishes and no output is found, then there doesn't exist an answer.

Complexity Information

|V| is the number of vertices

|E| is the number of edges

  • Time Complexity: O(|V|+|E|) --> O(n)
  • Space Complexity: O(|V|) --> O(n)

Coding Example

LeetCode 100. Same Tree

    def isSameTree(self, p: Optional[TreeNode], q: Optional[TreeNode]) -> bool:
        # Initialize Queue
        deq = collections.deque([(p,q)])

        # Iterative Portion
        while (deq):
            # Disassemble
            new_p, new_q = deq.popleft()
            # Is condition met? Is this valid?
            if not new_p and not new_q: continue
            elif not new_p or not new_q: return False
                # Append new nodes as necessary
                if new_p.val != new_q.val: return False
                deq.append((new_p.left, new_q.left))
                deq.append((new_p.right, new_q.right))
        return True


All You Need to Know About Breadth-First Search Algorithm [Feb 20, 2023]